YouTuber Arielle Scarcella Says Sexual Predators Pretend to be Transgender

Matthew Dimitri
3 min readMar 5, 2020


(Screenshot via YouTube)

In a YouTube video Wednesday, on “pseudo-intellectual with Lauren Chen,” Scarcella falsely claimed “I think there was a study came out this year, or last year that no trans people were killed in UK.”

The BBC highlighted in Wales hate crimes against transgender people rose from 37 in 2016–2017, to 82 transgender hate crimes in 2018–19. West Yorkshire Police is spearheading an effort to stymie the increase in hate crime, and were receptive to the BBC’s freedom of information request.

Scarcella, an early addition to YouTube in 2009 and “one of the first ever lesbian channels,” is reinventing herself as an anti-SJW “TERF” who laments “the intolerant left.”

“I decided my perspective has changed drastically, and yes I believe in trans’ rights, but not at the expense of female rights,” she told white replacement conspiracy theorist Lauren Chen.

The sentiment is not original and echoes anti-trans activists ‘from the left,’ like Hacsi Horvath, who joined far-right Heritage Foundation to ‘otherize’ trans people, spread disinformation, and utilize the Right’s “conquer and divide” strategy under the pretense of ostensible left politics.

In the broadcast, Scarcella misgendered Alex Drummond, calling her “a supposed trans woman.”

Scarcella promoted her interview with Lauren Chen via a re-tweet, which is a violation of Twitter’s hateful conduct policy on misgendering or ‘deadnaming’ transgender people.

Research proves dead-naming transgender people leads to triggering their gender dysphoria and opening the floodgates to harassment. It should not be considered “radical” or political, considering school districts across the country have implemented policies to protect trans identities.

MMFA’s Brianna January reported: “School districts and states around the country have adopted affirming policies to respect trans identities and to condemn bullying based on gender identity or sexual orientation.”

Scarcella saidits such a select few amount of people” that are trans, “and you’re allowing all these male predators access to those spaces for this very tiny subset of the community. And that’s where I’m like no that’s not okay you have to make some effort in my opinion physically to put women at ease, and I don’t think trans women should be walking around completely naked. I have trans women friends that pass as women. They would pass for women if they were in a locker room, but they respect women and respect themselves enough that they won’t undress their bottom half, which I respect. I think that’s great. I think that’s how it should be. You shouldn't be telling kids, or teens, or anybody there are any kind of woman that isn't in a sex segregated space that they have to be okay with male parts or male people.”

The two went on to discuss long-debunked “bathroom predator” myths (which have been spread by disreputable, toxic websites like The Daily Caller and )and Chen referred to a transgender woman as a ‘biological male.’

● Lauren Chen likened “sex being on the spectrum” to conversion therapy, and denied the existence of female penises.

● Scarcella complained LGBTQ people “want a drag queen running for president that has one leg with autism.”

● Scarcella said “every time I get hate, its either an anime account, a furry account, or a teenage kid with rainbow hair.”

● Scarcella shared “I just got dropped from my LGBT Network, but I don’t want to work with people that have different morals anyway,” and claimed gay, pansexual, and transgender people want her dead for her views.

● Scarcella claims non-binary people don’t exist because they don’t have gender dysphoria, and adds there’s a scientific basis for this argument.

● Lauren Chen declares there’s a “toxic culture that seems to be developing” in the LGBTQ community.

● Scarcella told Chen “drag queens are great, but drag queens being sexual to kids is not great,” and vented about “sexualizing the LGBTQ community.”



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