People are poisoning themselves with a horse-deworming drug while Jimmy Dore misleads on YouTube that you can get the human version of ivermectin without a prescription

Matthew Dimitri
3 min readOct 18, 2021


Far-right anti-vaxxer Jimmy Dore kicked-off the monetized October 16 edition of his YouTube show claiming that CNN “lied about Joe Rogan” taking a horse-deworming drug.

The Los Angeles Times reports that Don Lemon called out Rogan for his claim that CNN lied: “[He] did say something about ivermectin that I think wasn’t actually correct about CNN and lying. Ivermectin is a drug that is commonly used as a horse dewormer. So it is not a lie to say that the drug is used as a horse dewormer.”

ivermectin, in both human and animal version is not a treatment for coronavirus, and without a prescription you can only purchase the version meant for livestock at supply stores.

“I wish I had that video, but anyway they said it many times that Joe Rogan was taking horse paste and animal medicine instead of whatever— they’re lying to you about a medicine!” Dore said. “They’re lying about a medicine to dunk on someone who is their competition.”

(ivermectin was created by pharma giant MSD, who warned that it has “no scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against Covid-19, and noted its concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.)

“Joe Rogan is wiping the floor with CNN, right?” Dore said, playing a clip of Rogan claiming that natural immunity is superior to getting vaccinated.

Nebraska Medicine reports, “The data is clear: Natural immunity is not better. The COVID-19 vaccines create more effective and longer-lasting immunity than natural immunity from infection:”

  • More than a third of COVID-19 infections result in zero protective antibodies
  • Natural immunity fades faster than vaccine immunity
  • Natural immunity alone is less than half as effective than natural immunity plus vaccination

Dore is withholding information from his audience: You can’t get the human version of ivermectin without a prescription

“The FDA made a tweet that looked like it was written by a high schooler interning at the FDA, saying hey y’all stop taking ivermectin, it’s not for you, it’s for animals,” Dore said. “Now, we’ve already debunked that stupid tweet. The FDA we all know is in the pocket of Big Pharma, why would they do something like that?”

Dore claimed that ivermectin won the Nobel Prize. But the prize was awarded to two scientists after discovering ivermectin to treat parasitic infections in humans, Reuters reports.

The Assadist Max Blumenthal has boasted about ivermectin winning the Prize two times on Dore’s show, by my count.

On August 24, Dore tweeted, “Ivermectin is 4 humans, I get mine at Walgreens People being Anti-Science to dunk on me is a very weird trend.”

Then linked to a preprint study that had to be retracted “after internet sleuths raised concerns about plagiarism and data manipulation.”

Health Feedback writes, “Dore commented on ivermectin’s effectiveness against COVID-19, on October 2, alleging that “the mainstream news does not tell you the truth about [COVID-19], they lied to you about ivermectin, said it was not a human medicine when it won the Nobel Prize for human medicine in 2015.””

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports: In 2021, poison control centers across the U.S. received a three-fold increase in the number of calls for human exposures to ivermectin in January 2021 compared to the pre-pandemic baseline.
In July 2021, ivermectin calls have continued to sharply increase, to a five-fold increase from baseline. These reports are also associated with increased frequency of adverse effects and emergency department/hospital visits.



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