Jimmy Dore And Sidekick Gordon Dimmack Deny Yellow Vests Overrun By Far-Right

Matthew Dimitri
4 min readJan 10, 2019


By Matt Dimitri|January 9, 2019 6:21 pm

Photo created by The Daily Beast

WikiLeaks-enthusiast and Jimmy Dore-loving commentator Gordon Dimmack published a video to YouTube titled: Don’t trust The Guardian on January 9, 2019, attempting to sanitize the yellow vest movement which has been deemed in the process of far-right infiltration by the Daily Beast’s Kelly Weill and by the fact a group of far-right Brexiteers harassed pro-Remain MP and called her a “traitor”.

December 14th was an eventful and productive day for the yellow vests, managing to block bridges over the River Thames, cutting off access to roads, entry-points to Parliament and government buildings.

In Gordon’s video he complains “some of the articles that have been written in The Guardian… and I have covered them- go to the channel- go to the videos tab; type in The Guardian. You will see lots of videos I’ve done on them or demonstrable false or outright lies pushed GCHQ, the intelligence services they are basically the mouthpiece for the establishment, now. Don’t trust The Guardian, and the reason I don’t trust anybody attached to The Guardian as well is because I take this really seriously what I’m doing and I’ve only been doing it a short time but some of these people are career journalists now their attacks on Julian Assange and Wikileaks as I’ve explained multiple times over the last year are an assault on the very fabric and the very fundamentals of journalism and journalistic practice- they are assaulting it right now.”

Gordon added later in the video, to run interference for the conspiracists, alt-right, and Neo-Nazis who successfully infiltrated the omnidirectional Yellow Vest movement: “Are they going looking for these people, for a story. You know what? They always seem to find them don’t they? No matter whether it’s a small part to a large part they always seem to find them and focus on and that’s what their stories are. Now, I made this clear in December and I must remember sometimes you know what people don’t actually watch my videos- some people just saw that video yesterday of mine but I am on record as saying I will not share things, and publish things and repeat things as if they are true, if they come from The Guardian. Don’t trust The Guardian.”

Gordon Dimmack

Jimmy Dore, whose seen as a latter-day Jesus Christ savior figure to the Dumdumleft re-tweeted the propaganda outlet RT.com and a Greek immigrant named Sotiri Dimpinoudis. Sotiri boasts over 7500 twitter followers, re-tweeted Infowars Propagandist Paul Joseph Watson and is clearly a right-winger who admires Donald Trump.

Jimmy Dore promotes The #YellowVests
Yellow Vest protesters blocking a bridge in Paris and fighting with CRS police.

The Yellow Vest movement, had legitimate economic populist-left strains in its inception in France, unfortunately, it has been overrun by the far-right, as the Daily Beast reports: In Canada, the movement has spawned regular protests with a strong anti-immigrant message. In the U.K., pro-Brexit factions have worn yellow vests to harass their rivals.

Participants in the Canadian and British demonstrations have also mixed the French movement with an unhinged American conspiracy theory.The original French Yellow Vest (“Gilets Jaunes”) demonstrations were not without their own far-right element. Some of the movement’s earliest marches saw reports of racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and Islamophobia, the New Republic reported. A notorious anti-Semite was photographed as the face of the protests before journalists later recognized him. A December poll found the movement had the highest favorability ratings with supporters of the far-right politician Marine Le Pen.

Not all the consequences of a flourishing Yellow Vest Movement have been revealed, but there’s already been proof of weaponized memes designed to make dictatorial impulses manifest.



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