“He has dementia:” Dumdumleft’s pro-Trump whisper campaign

Matthew Dimitri
4 min readSep 23, 2020


Ceci Freed / Media Matters

Vice Presidential candidate Joe Biden was asked by a Fox News reporter, at a presser back in March, if he had cognitive decline, to which Joe Biden replied confidently that he can “hardly wait to compare my cognitive capability to the cognitive capability of the man I’m running against.”

An opinion piece in The Post described Biden’s rhetorical skills in a March 15 debate as “a truly masterful performance.” Henry Olsen quickly identified Biden’s stutter, attributing it to “a couple of instances when he had to force his way through.”

On September 4, Biden recommended that QAnon conspiracy theorists seek mental health treatment, accurately describing the conspiracy as “dangerous” and “embarrassing.”

“What in God’s name are we doing?” Biden asked. “Look at how it makes us look around the world… If the president doesn’t know better, which he has to know better, then my lord, we’re in much more trouble than I ever thought we were.”

Despite Biden’s choppy speech patterns — indicating a stutter — and the numerous examples of him fielding questions competently, the right-wing noise machine, bolstered by an array of reactionary left figures, has harnessed out-of-context clips of the septuagenarian.

“Facts on the Ground” podcast host — known as Comrade Misty is Putin’s Buddy on Twitter, posted on July 17, 2020: “And Joe Biden can’t even put together a coherent thought. So good of you to ignore blatant election fraud yet again and screw over all your supporters to endorse a creepy racist with dementia.”

Tim Black, a participant in the Russian-spearheaded disinformation campaign that falsely claimed Seth Rich was the DNC leaker, posted a YouTube video on April 8 titled: “Michael Moore Calls Out Joe Biden’s Mental Decline | Tim Black.”

Jordan Chariton, who was ousted from TYT Politics after sexual assault allegations surfaced, qualified on November 22, 2019 that he was not a doctor, “I’m not gonna play one on the internet in my parent’s kitchen to get clicks, but do you really want your husband, or your father, or your whatever, to essentially for his legacy, which I think is a terrible legacy — but they don’t. To be remembered, for literally losing to Donald Trump, because he was basically falling apart due to old age and health?”

Kyle Kulinski claimed in September that Trump is more mentally fit than Biden: “The sun is setting on that dude fast. I do think [Biden’s] having issues with his mind not working properly.”

Kulinski also concluded in September that Joe Biden only performs well in debates when he’s on drugs.

“First thought watching that video… he’s back on the sauce, he’s back on the pills so he sounds better,” Kulinski said. “What’s the special secret? Adderall. Seroquel. A mix thereof, some other drug, but he’s definitely on something.”

At the beginning of September, Kulinski proclaimed that Joe Biden has cognitive decline, and dismissed news that the DHS concealed a July intelligence bulletin about Russian attacks on Biden’s mental health for two months.

Conspiracy theories about Joe Biden having dementia picked up steam on The Jimmy Dore Show. In March, the eponymous host lavished praise on the President.

“Trump went out and made mince meat out of the entire Republican field, a guy that everyone says is a moron and a dummy,” Dore said.

“He chopped those guys off at the knees, they were done. Donald Trump, who everyone says is a dummy and a moron. All these geniuses couldn’t handle a candle to Donald Trump. He diminished them. They were done! He will have a field day with Joe Biden. You don’t think Trump is gonna say Joe Biden has early onset dementia? Why wouldn’t he?”

He played a clip of a Biden gaffe as “proof” the Democratic nominee had cognitive decline.

“That should end his campaign,” Dore declared.

Jimmy Dore has posted multiple YouTube videos positing that Joe Biden has dementia. Including one with the triumphant headline “Joe Rogan Exposes Democrats Denying Biden’s Dementia

A March 11 video titled “Bernie Asked About Biden’s Dementia At Town Hall” was an obvious attempt to stir division within the Biden and Bernie factions.

On March 30, nearly a week before Dore’s video praising Rogan for supposedly exposing Biden’s dementia, The Hill’s YouTube show “Rising” uploaded a video with the incendiary headline “Joe Rogan’s DIRE warning for Dems on Joe Biden.”

The video has since accrued over 864,000 views.

Krystal Ball asserted that “it almost seems like [Biden’s] high, it almost seems like he’s clueless of what was just asked of him,” and Saagar Enjeti reiterated Rogan’s assertion that “Trump is gonna eat him alive, he’s gonna eat that guy alive — I can hear it in his voice.”



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