Dumdumleft Bonus Tracks: ‘The Good Thing’ AboutTrump
1 min readJan 20, 2020
- Aaron Mate attacks Dan Rather as he wonders “ I keep thinking/hoping that there has to be a Russiagate Rock Bottom — where things get just so dumb that it can’t go on anymore. But what if there just is no Russiagate Rock Bottom?”
- Jimmy Dore: “The good thing is that Trump has surrounded himself with such shitty liars, that everybody sees through these motherfuckers.”
- Speaking of Jimmy Dore, he lamented that Bernie Sander’s didn’t treat CNN and MSNBC like he did Fox News during his townhall.
- White supremacist Richard Spencer re-tweeted Spectator writer Michael Tracey, again.
- Neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer credited “progressives” Winkle and Fiorella Isabel for generating interest and views into the divisive #NeverWarren.
- Graham Elwood is having a normal one.