Dennis Prager: America is one of the few ‘countries in the world [to] abolish slavery’
PRAGER: “If you should be ashamed of America’s past… there’s no country on earth that should not be ashamed of its past. Think, how many slaves talk about slavery- there were far more slaves in South America than North America. I don’t know if Brazilians are walking around telling their kids you were formed in slavery and racism. I don’t know if they are, if they’re being told that, they could be? Or Muslim kids. There were more slaves that were conquered by and shipped by Muslims than even by Christians, or are they being raised, oh God, you know, horrible past here in in Iraq or Saudi Arabia or wherever it might be. I think everybody needs to confront their past. That’s a separate issue. The American past is not just one of awful slavery, it’s also one of fighting to abolish slavery, which is pretty important. Not many countries in the world abolish slavery so look at what the left has done to kids your past is awful. and your future is awful that’s uh… that’s really wrong.”